Who We Are
PBL Experiences
ELE PBL Experiences
MS PBL Experiences
HS PBL Experiences
Protocol Examples
Community / Industry Partners
High School PBL projects:
HS Science Projects:
HS Human Anatomy and Physiology: I'll Be Needing Stitches
HS Biology: Minimizing Human Impact at West Ottawa
natomy: Restoring Health to a Burn Patient
HS Physics/Engineering: Designing Tech Toys
HS BioTech/Engineering: Tattoo project
HS Biology: Looking at Environmental Issues
HS Biology: Tracking Population Pressure
HS Chemistry: What's in Our Water?
HS Agriscience: Community Service PBL
HS Biophysics: Electronic Game Project
HS CTC Environmental Studies: Long-term Monitoring of the Pigeon River
HS CTC Environmental Studies:
Creative Solutions for Tulip Time Waste
HS Biology, Government, and Economics: Climate Change Summit
HS Biology: Histology and Cancer
HS Social Studies Projects:
AP Government: Linkage Institutions
AP Government: Taking Action in Public Policy
AP Government: Impact of Local Government
AP Government:
Making a Positive Change in our Community
AP Government: Divining the Intent of the "Founding Fathers" and the the Proper Role of Government in a Democracy
AP US History: HIstory in a Treasure Box
HS Government: Pure Michigan Reimagined
HS Government: Studnets Making a Difference
HS History: Rights and Protests
HS Civics: The Many Voices of America
HS US History: HIstory Yesterday and Today
HS World Cultures/Current Events: Americans Making a Difference
HS Current Events: Proposals for Positive Change in the Real World
HS Current Events: Proposing a Law Michigan
HS World Cultures: Get to Know a Foreign Country
HS Cultural Studies:
Celebrating different Cultures in our Community
HS History: Ancient Empire
HS Elective Projects:
DECA Community Service/Awareness Project
HS CTE: Intro to Entrepreneurship
HS Visual Storytelling: Storying our Community through Filmmaking
HS Vocational Education: Developing our Learning Styles
HS Sports Marketing: Design Your Own NIL/Influencer Deal
HS Art: Engaging Our Collective Creativity Through Installation Art
HS Business Education: Business Partnership
HS Marketing: School Store Marketing - Hawks Landing
Vocational Education: Diving Into Professional Image
Vocational Education: F150 Sectioning and Finishing
HS Sports Marketing: Cereal Madness!
HS Business: School Based Enterprise Market Research Project
HS French: L'environement
HS Visual Arts: Installation Art
HS CTE Business: Designing a New CTE Space
HS ELA Projects:
HS English: How Do I Want The World to See Me?
HS English: The Impact of Short Stories and Poetry
HS English: Sharing Our Stories: Threads Connecting Generations
AP LIT: Looking into Literature
HS English: Communities Making a Difference -
To Kill a Mockingbird
HS English: Arts Pushing Social Change
HS English: Romeo & Juliet
HS English/Biology: BioBoosters
HS English: Changing Society Through Art
HS English: Bringing a Global Perspective
HS English: Finding My Path
HS English:
An American Sunrise
HS English: Interviewing Etiquette
HS English: Origin Stories
nglish: Concepts Driving Censorship Content
HS English: Giving Back Before We Go
HS English: How Do Our Environments Shape Us?
HS English: The Hidden History of Holland
HS English: Murder Mystery
HS English: Power of Positive Relationships
HS Math Projects:
HS Math: A Passion for STEM
HS Math: Join a Sports Team!
HS Math: Personal Finance, Moving Out!
HS Math: Expanding Meijer Gardens
HS Math: Designing the Exterior of a House
HS Math: Planning for Your Future
HS School Improvement Projects:
HS Academy: Wanted: Passionate People to Become Educators
Counseling: Counseling for Virtual Learners
Career Development: New Teacher Prep
Career Development: Making the Most of Early College
Career Development: Diving into Career Decisions
Career Development: CTC Employability Skills
Career Development: Troubleshoot with Al
HS English/School Improvement:
Ethical AI Usage in the ELA Classroom
If you would like additional information about any projects or if you want to connect with one of the educators, please reach out. We would love to hear from you!
Indicates required field
The majority of the projects listed above were planned around the design thinking model, The Creative Sequence, from the futurePREP'd Program.
Who We Are
PBL Experiences
ELE PBL Experiences
MS PBL Experiences
HS PBL Experiences
Protocol Examples
Community / Industry Partners