Outdoor Classroom with Native Plants Garden
By: Melissa Sanborn
By: Melissa Sanborn
Project at a Glance :
This project is designed for 2nd grade students. The goal is to make our school more inviting and welcoming while utilizing the outside environment for learning. This project is estimated to last the full school year.
Driving Question:
How can we create an outdoor learning environment that includes native plants that bring in pollinators?
Team / Culture Building:
Solution Building:
Authentic Audience:
Click here for teacher's full plan.
Reflection and Feedback:
Click here for the teacher's Journey through PBL on Padlet . . .
Meet the Educator:
Melissa Sanborn teaches 2nd grade at Robinson Elementary School, Grand Haven Area Public Schools. "One of the best things about PBL is that it's a great way to connect my students to the real world and make their learning relevant. The students are energized and super motivated to the work." |