Rose Park Ranch Market
By: Danielle Snoeyink & Kimberly VanderZwaag
By: Danielle Snoeyink & Kimberly VanderZwaag
Project at a Glance :
This project introduces 4th grade students to a variety of Science, Math, and Economics standards while exploring the value of fresh garden produce and how it can go from farm to table.
Driving Question:
How can we market the produce from the Rose Park Ranch? How can we create a market economy within our classroom? How might we create a successful school farm store that is corrected/rooted in our curriculum/community?
Think - pair - share
Solution Building:
Authentic Audience:
Click here for teacher's full plan.
Reflection and Feedback:
Click here for the teacher's Journey through PBL on Padlet.
Meet the Educator:
Danielle Snoeyink and Kimberly VanderZwaag both teach 4th grade at Rose Park Elementary, Holland Christian Schools. "PBL and Design Thinking brings out a new class of students. Normal routines and typical classroom work does not allow for every student to shine. If PBL and Design Thinking are a part of the instruction, the teacher is introduced to a new class of learners, thinkers, problem solvers, and encouragers. A new classroom community is built right before your eyes." ~ D. Snoeyink "PBL allows kids to take ownership of their learning and explore their own strengths and interests as they prepare for their future." ~ K. VanderZwaag |