Protocol Overview and Instructions:
Sometimes your ideas need to be grouped so progress can be made. The Start-Stop-Continue Protocol allows you to make progress in the moment and for the future.
Start-Stop-Contuine Protocol Instructions
Educator Thoughts:
This protocol “Start-Stop- Continue” is meant to be a reflection of student progress or lack there-of over the course of semester 1. After identifying challenges and working together through the “Speedboat” protocol two weeks ago, this seemed the next step. My colleague, Cody Buresh, will share details about the protocol itself in his blog response; my goal is to think further about and talk about effectiveness of the protocol in using the skill for success of Critical Thinking and Problem Solving.
Student Quote:
“I feel like I know what holds me back, but I don’t really care enough to change it.”
“I think it’s stupid to always talk about this stuff. Nothing ever changes.”
“I like spending time to think about things. It’s just hard to follow through”.
Meet the Educator:
I have been an English/Social Studies teacher for many years. I became involved in PBL after a training with Buck Institute about 10 years ago. It has been a pleasure to participate in Future Prep’d cohorts during the summer, school year, and in a hybrid blended format over the last 6 years. Continuing to grow as an educator is something I am passionate about! Personally, I've had the privilege to teach overseas in Hungary, China and Sicily as well as the United States. I am a mother to three children and have a miniature dachshund named Izi. We enjoy spending time outdoors and being active as well as exploring new places. “Finding a way and means to encourage deep, relevant thought in students is what PBL is all about!” |