Protocol Overview and Instructions:
In my World History course we did Empathy Mapping to consider the perspectives of different groups/people impacted by the Protestant Reformation. Overall it was met with strong engagement levels. Students seemed to have fun. The activity helped students to access prior knowledge and make predictions about upcoming material.
Skills for Empathy Map Protocol
Educator Thoughts:
This activity helped get kids up and moving and thinking in new ways.
Student Quote:
“The empathy map was a fun way to consider how different people thought about the same event”.
Meet the Educator:
Alexa Spruit, Hamilton High School I am an 11th year social studies teacher at Hamilton High School. I have been experimenting with PBL / design thinking for 6 years. I have participated in the iChallengeU program three times - all with unique and wonderful experiences. I will be completing my second year of the FuturePrep’d Academy this winter. Overall I have found PBL to be invigorating for my teaching career - it has helped me find ways to channel my creativity and the creativity of my students and keep motivated in the classroom. Prior to my experience with PBL, I was feeling teacher burnout. Learning these new strategies has brought energy back to my classroom. “Using PBL in my classroom has sparked fun, engagement, and creativity. I find that the protocols are well-liked by students and help to keep my lessons more diverse and interesting.” |