Business Partner Challenge:
How can Meta Tool optimize the use of their floor space?
Our experience . . .
"We gave this team a real challenge that we needed them to solve. They can come back in a few months to see the results of their work." ~ Business Ambassador, Meta Tool Technologies
"I really liked being able to solve a real world problem and being right at the company." ~ Luke, HS Student
"These students were fully invested in the business. They saw the real world relevance of the problem and worked hard to finding a viable solution." Educator
Click here for the Team's journey on Padlet.
"We gave this team a real challenge that we needed them to solve. They can come back in a few months to see the results of their work." ~ Business Ambassador, Meta Tool Technologies
"I really liked being able to solve a real world problem and being right at the company." ~ Luke, HS Student
"These students were fully invested in the business. They saw the real world relevance of the problem and worked hard to finding a viable solution." Educator
Click here for the Team's journey on Padlet.