Presentation Menu Choice for Students
By: Amy VanAllsburg
By: Amy VanAllsburg
Project at a Glance :
This project is designed for a 4th grade classroom. Our goal is to create a menu of new and innovative ways to present a final product for any PBL solution. At a recent Future PREP’d meet up session, a group of teachers spoke about how our students often choose the same kind of modes to present their final pitch, and we all agreed that it would be awesome to see our students branching out to try a new way of presenting their information, and from there our new PBL project formed.
Driving Question:
How Can We Create A New Menu of Presentation Choices That Are Fun and Different?
Checking in:
Solution Building:
Authentic Audience:
Reflection and Feedback:
Click here for the teacher's Journey through PBL on Padlet . . .
Meet the Educator:
Amy is an educator at West Ottawa Public Schools. She teaches 4th grade at Lakewood Elementary. "Integrating curriculum through PBL experiences has sparked a passion for authentic, real world problem solving in my students. My 4th graders are more actively engaged and enthusiastic about the learning process since I began using the Creative Sequence and Design Thinking protocols. They are gaining empathy for those around them and building employability skills along the way. It is thrilling to witness their excitement!" |