Schools Around the World
How are schools around the world similar and different?
“I thought it was kind of cool that we felt shy and nervous, but so did the college students that came to talk to us even though they were older.” ~ Quinn |
"I think it was cool learning about other schools and it was really fun.” ~ Sadie “I felt bad for the people in other countries that had to suffer all that pain, but I thought it was still good to learn about.” ~ Colten “I felt happy when I was learning about this, because I had a lot of questions about schools around the world.” ~ Kennedy |
Meet the Educators:
Kathryn Woodin & Lindsay Kleinjans teach 2nd grade at Cardinal Elementary, Orchard View Public Schools. "I really enjoyed turning this Schools Around the World unit into a Project Based Learning opportunity for my students. The difference between teaching the curriculum as is and incorporating aspects of PBL was so effective, and I loved seeing how engaged my students were in the material. They became much more curious learners and much more capable of tying concepts across content areas, and it's something they still talk about months later. I think it was so important that we tie the curriculum concepts to authentic experiences in the real world, allowing students to really take ownership of and have a voice in their learning." ~K. Woodin "Project Based Learning has been such an important part of the teaching and learning that has taken place in my classroom this year. Because of PBL, my students were able to make connections from the curriculum to real life. My students were truly engaged in the learning and they blossomed into curious, self directed learners. It was evident that having real world connections and community partners made this project authentic - my students loved connecting with real people and learning from their varying experiences." |